Walrus DocTrail
SharePoint based Document Management and Archival System by Walrus allows to organize and track incoming and outgoing business paper or electronic correspondence, be it letter, e-mail, parcel, or even phone call.
Color coding incoming and outgoing cases
Use different colors to distinguish case types
Save chains of company correspondence
Securely save every incoming or outgoing piece of your business correspondence, track changes, review discussion steps and follow the required process, remind and notify related persons.

Focus on what's important - be the King of your paperwork!
Create new case with one click
Attach document originals and enrich case with required meta-data, like sender, subject, description. Assign related and responsible persons. Select will it be Incoming or outgoing case. Case number and case date are filled automatically.
Reply to create reverse case
Just click on Reply button, when ready to create related case - incoming or outgoing. All the meta-data and related persons will be copied as well. Just attach required documents and put a meaningful note.